React Flexible Sliding Menu
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IntroductionGetting Started
ContributingSetting up Dev EnvironmentContributing to Library Code:Contributing to Docs:


Setting up Dev Environment

Cloning the Repository:

Using SSH

git clone

or Using HTTPS

git clone

Installing Dependencies:

cd react-flexible-sliding-menu
npm install

Create Testing App:

Testing App should be present outside react-flexible-sliding-menu, we suggest create testing-app as a sibling folder.

npx create-react-app testing-app

If you followed the steps correctly your folder structure should look like this:


Now we need to link react-flexible-sliding-menu and the testing-app:

cd testing-app
npm link ../react-flexible-sliding-menu

Linking react and react-dom to testing-app:

cd react-flexible-sliding-menu
npm link ../testing-app/node_modules/react
npm link ../testing-app/node_modules/react-dom

Now you should be able to simply import react-flexible-sliding-menu in your testing-app.

Contributing to Library Code:

Run the Library Server:

cd react-flexible-sliding-menu/
npm start

Run the Testing App:

cd testing-app
npm start

Now you can edit the code of library and see the changes in the testing-app.

Contributing to Docs:

Run the Docs Server:

cd react-flexible-sliding-menu/
npm run docz:dev

Now you can edit the md/mdx files present inside the docs folder and see the changes on the server.